"Lawless" is another movie that will have its world premiere in Cannes and is also in competition. Based on the movie "The Wettest Country in the World" written by Matt Bondurant this movie, directed by John Hillcoat centers in the time where America dealed with the Noble Experiment and follows the story of alchool smugglers that live disrespecting the law and gets chased by the authorities that want to have part of the profit. It's based on a true story, since the author was part of that family. This is a promissing movie that might be one of the best of the year, and the amazing cast is one of the reasons. Gary Oldman that was for the first time nominated for an Oscar, with a career that deserved two or three in his curriculum, Guy Pearce, Shia LaBeouf, Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain (that represent new talent in Hollywood) and Tom Hardy are the excellent actors that are in this movie. Portugal still hasn't a debut date of premiere anounced but, in my opinion, it will only come in our cinema in final October.