Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), é um rapaz normal, de costumes saudáveis, amigo do ambiente ,que um dia sente uma dor de costas intensa e decide fazer exames para tentar descobrir a origem desta dor, descobrindo assim que tem um tipo raro de cancro. Para tornar as coisas ainda piores Adam descobre que a sua namorada o começou a trair após este iniciar os tratamentos. Kyle (Seth Rogen), é uma daquelas pessoas bem-dispostas, que está sempre a dizer piadas e que parece levar a vida a brincar, é o melhor amigo de Adam e com ajuda da psicóloga Katherine (Anna Kendrick) ajuda-o a lutar contra o cancro e aproveitar a vida. Ao longo do filme existem inúmeras cenas de humor negro fantásticas, que nos ajudam a ver o “lado positivo” onde ele não existe, de modo a podermos lidar melhor com este tipo de situações.

Adam (Joseph Gordom-Levitt) is an ordinary boy, with healthy habits and eco-friendly, that one day feels an intense pain in his back, later discovering that he had a rare type of cancer. To make things worse, Adam finds out that his girlfriend cheated on him just when he was starting his treatment. Kyle (Seth Rogen) is one of those good-humored people that is always telling jokes and that seems to live life like a child. It’s Adam’s best friend and with psychologist Katherine (Anna Kendrick) Adam learns how to enjoy life and fight the cancer. During the movie we can see several scenes of fantastic dark humor that help us seeing the “good side” where it isn’t, so that we can deal better with this kind of situations.
While watching the film, I got so involved in the story that I found myself strongly cheering up for him to beat the damn cancer. “50/50” is the prove that you can approach serious subjects in a soft way, leaving a message effectively. Joseph Gordon Levitt is, without a doubt, a very talented actor that has in “50/50” one of his best performances of his career. The best thing about this movie, based in a true story and directed by Jonathan Levine, is the lesson that it gives.
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