“Moneball – Jogada de Risco” retrata a história verídica de um director-geral, Billy Beane, de uma equipa de basebol, com recursos económicos muito baixos. Billy tenta a todo o custo, e mediante as armas que tem, à sua disposição tornar a sua equipa campeã. Benneth Miller foi o realizador responsável pela adaptação desta fantástica história, que já havia dado origem a um livro, ao grande ecrã.
Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) junta-se a Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), um jovem com uma enorme paixão pelo desporto e um curso de economia tirado na universidade de Yale e juntos tentam erguer o Oakland A’s ultrapassando as dificuldades financeiras deste, através de uma intensa análise estatística e matemática, recorrendo a um modelo que lhes permite aproveitar jogadores de baixo custo, esquecidos no mercado, mas cujas qualidades técnicas são bastante boas. Esta atitude foi extremamente contestada pela restante equipa técnica do clube, incluindo o treinador Art Howe (Philip Seymour Hoffman). No entanto, Billy e Peter são excelentes exemplos de persistência, que lutaram segundo as suas ideias até ao fim, construindo assim uma excelente filosofia vitoriosa que apesar de não lhes levar à vitória final ajudou-os a quebrar recordes e atraírem multidões, superando-se a si próprios.

Moneyball portraits the true story of general Manager, Billy Beane, of an baseball team, with low economic funds. Billy tries his hardest, and according to his resources, to turn his team into champions. Benneth Miller directed the adaptation of this amazing story, has already led to a book, to the big screen.
Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) joins to Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), an young man with an enormous passion to sports and an economic degree from Yale and, together they try to lift Oalkand A’s, overtaking its financial difficulties, through an intensive statistic and mathematical analysis, using a model that allows them to avail” low cost” players, forgotten in the market, but whose technical qualities are pretty good. This attitude was severely questioned by all the technical team, including its coach Art Howe (Philip Seymour Hoffman). However, Billy and Peter are excellent examples of persistence, that fought for their ideas until the end, building a victorious philosophy that, although it didn’t lead them to the final victory, helped them breaking records and appeal to the crowd, overcoming themselves.
Moneyball is, above everything, the story of an winner, that is it, without even knowing; an example of collective overcoming, persistence and the living prove that, in order to be a winner you don’t have to win. Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill present us with two impressive performances. For Jonah Hill, this is his first great interpretation that has already given him a nomination for the golden globes (I hope he wins!). Despite having a fantastic performance, this is far from being Brad Pitt’s best performance of his career. However, this could be the one who will finally lead to recognition, in the next award season. Given to the fact that I’m a huge fan of Brad Pitt, I couldn’t let pass the fact that he has been suffering some lack of recognition for the academy, and others. Also, the Oscar should have been already given to him, a while ago, having in consideration his excellent job in movies like Fight Club, Seven, Babel, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button e 12 Monkeys.
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